Τρίτη 16 Οκτωβρίου 2012

Pouva Start, my first film

I first repaired the shutter of my Pouva Start. When the photographer presses the shutter a spring moves one piece of the shutter exposing the film to light. Then a second piece gets kicked by the first, thus closing the light path from the lens. It seemed that the second piece was not moved succesfully so I taped the two pieces together. Now it works but I don't have the bulb B setting anymore.

Anyway, I  loaded the camera with a Fujifilm Reala 120 - 100 ASA film and went out shooting. I find there is a lot of vignetting in the pictures with overexposed and oversaturated colours.

Calatrava's bridge
 Monastiraki Square
 Plaka, view to Acropolis
 Old factory transformed to office building, I think the circle in the image is the shadow of the diaphragm
 At the University
 Unknown soldier monument in front of the Parliament

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