Τετάρτη 30 Δεκεμβρίου 2015

Kodak Retina, some more

Some more samples with this fine camera

It is small yet heavy and cumbersome but the photos are excellent, and the lens at f/2 is fast too.

Κυριακή 6 Δεκεμβρίου 2015

Kodak Retinette Ib, another try

This time I fixed the focus problem and gave the camera another try 

The camera is very silent
I used a Kodak Colorplus 200 film

Here are some samples
Converted to BW

At night with the B setting
A contre jour and a close-up

Sunny day...

Τετάρτη 2 Δεκεμβρίου 2015

Kodak Retina II, a precise instrument

The Kodak Retina II is a precise instrument, it has all the settings for a photograph. Plenty of shutter speeds, a fast f2 aperture and a range finder for accurate focus. It is foldable and small, yet sturdy and heavy.
However  the controls are tiny and difficult to pose the fingers at, so picture taking becomes slow. But the quality of the pictures is top notch. The camera takes very sharp pictures with a smooth bokeh.

Here are some samples with a Kodak Colorplus 200 ASA film.

These were converted to BW


Kodak Instamatic 155X, more with 35mm film

Instamatics are fun to use. No focusing is needed, there is only a sunny/cloudy setting, they are small and light, and the 35mm film with its sprocket holes adds a bit to the photo.

Here are some more photos, the negative was rephotographed and converted to Lightroom.

A graffiti of an old town
 Hot dog stand
 A tavern with live music
At the port
 Onboard the ship
 Ferry, converted to B/W