Πέμπτη 2 Ιανουαρίου 2014

Polaroid 195 Land camera, manual only but for professionals

The Polaroid 195 is a high quality manual Polaroid camera, unlike the plastic automatic ones found cheaply at antique shops and flea market.
It is a heavy all-metal camera with a top quality 114mm lens made in Japan by Tamioka. It is fast too as the maximum aperture goes to f/3.8, as opposed to the usual f8 or f11 apertures found in the cheap models.
There is no lightmeter in the camera, so exposure must be decided with the use of an external lightmeter.
Focusing is made from a separate viefinder by matching two rangefinder images.
It is a bulky and difficult camera so I suppose it was marketed for the expirienced users and professional photographers.

I loaded the camera with a Fuji Black and White film of 3200 ASA sensitivity. The film pack has holes where the springs of the back should press the cartridge and this results to damaging the film. I put one large paper clip in each spring and stuck them in the cameras back, like this they can't press the film and tear the backing paper. I do that in all my Polaroids to be able to use the Fuji Instant film.

The photos I took were rephotographed with my digital camera.

Out at night

At the office


I also photographed the negative goop and inverted it

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