Τρίτη 25 Νοεμβρίου 2014

Canon EOS 1000 FN

I bought a Canon EOS 1000 FN camera at the flea market because it had a Canon EF 35-80mm lens on.
The camera feels and is plasticky, it has all the main functions of an EOS camera (P, Av, Tv, creative modes etc.) but lacks the Depth-Of-Field preview.

I tried a 100 ASA Fuji film with some manual old lenses. In order to mount a non-Canon lens in the camera a lever in the lens mount needs to be stuffed with something (paper tissue) to stay cocked.

Here are some results, all taken in Av aperture priority mode.

with an old Tele Tamron 135mm/f2.8 lens

With an old Hokunar 35mm/f3.5 lens that is very soft at the edges

With an Exaktar 55mm/f1.7